By Joe Gable
Who am I to ever think that I’d be someone you could love
Who are you to pretend you’re not an angel from up above
What is it that I could do to help you to understand
What it is you do to me just by holding my hand
When we first met I know it seems so long ago
When was it you stole my heart did you even know
Where was I going in life before our paths again had crossed
Where do you think I’d be if once again you I have lost
Why would I let you go without putting up a fight
Why would you turn your love around now in mid flight
How do I feel knowing all the things you’ve said are true
How do you feel knowing I’m in love with you
Who we are just you and I together is something I love to feel
What we have between us there’s no way it isn’t real
When I’m with you I pinch myself are you really mine
Where you put me is in the sky so high above cloud nine
Why I’m writing this is to help you see I’ve got your back
How can I help you believe in me when I tell you Tsi Tak.