I stopped trying

i stopped trying to connect the dots
i no longer sift through dreaming
i sought to find myself
a human
full of meaning

from reality to introspect
i know i burn a flame
one that doesn’t hurt me
it shines to guide through pain

suffering may never cease
although misery has lessened
it’s my job
to go through the fog
and see life as a blessing

silence within
calm in my veins
in my heart
without ever having gone through this
i’d not know just where to start

the end is always hanging there
i’m not afraid of death
it’s just another experience
to show the spirits depth

some never speak of endings
some too scared to live
so embrace each changing moment
and you’ll see Love only gives

it is the peace you have been waiting for
it’s the answer to all prayers
Love will never let you down
it’s here to stay
it cares

so surrender to this truth
my friend
feel it on your skin
the bliss that you’ve been hoping for
is Love
which Always Wins

“Love Always Wins” is now available on Amazon!