I have to admit that while I love all animals I am really at a time in my life where I like to do a lot of things and now that my kids are grown I so appreciate that time I have together with just my hubby – and ok my two cats as well.

As a child I always owned a pet and usually I had a dog although the responsibility of it was not always just my own.

So, when I recently took a trip to a local restaurant and made a quick run to the next-door dollar store it was there that I first came upon her, the dog with no name.

Yup, she was staring up at me with those big brown eyes so sad and begging and obviously a “mommy” as she was lactating and so severely malnourished that my heart just sank.

I forgot what I was at the store for and immediately went in to purchase some canned dog food, a couple bowls, and a bottle of water.

I guess I wasn’t the only one she had touched as another lady there also purchased some food and bowls, and together we immediately went outside to feed the poor starving mom.

She was only about 30 pounds and you could see her ribs, but immediately you could tell she was extremely smart and knew how to care for her pups.

After gulping down three cans of food in about five minutes, she immediately ran across the busy road cutting through a car repair business and back to wherever her hungry little pups were!

Once I had seen this poor little dog, she never left my thoughts, and I was determined to see where her pups were and if she had care and shelter somewhere.

Being a writer, I am also a layman investigator, so it was shortly after that I talked to a few local businesses and also posted on the local news web for Jasper to see if anyone had any info on this little mommy dog.

It wasn’t long before hundreds of people posted giving me some info and others praying for this little mommy dog as well.

I found out she lived under a trailer where some migrant workers lived but that it was not their dog. They did not speak English so with the help of my husband and my own broken Spanish I was told she kind of came with the trailer.

She had obviously been abandoned but miraculously managed to survive on her own living under the trailer and raising seven pups.

The men explained that they had placed four of the male pups and she had three left. When I asked the men if she had a name, they just shrugged their shoulders, so sad.

So now I was bound and determined to find a happy and stable home for this dog without a name. Many local businesses and people when they read the post told me they would see the little dog almost daily as she traveled through the city begging for food.

Even the auto repair business where she traveled through daily told me that she would come through regularly and they were kind to her and would often throw her bologna and give her an occasional pet when she would stop.

They said they nicknamed her “City Slicker” because she was always traveling throughout the city visiting and begging for food, often traveling miles a day.

Well, to make a long story short, this little dog really left an impression on me. Her intelligence and perseverance to survive and care for her pups was truly amazing and just touched my heart. She was always cautious not to get caught and was very careful when accepting any handouts to avoid an entrapment, but that did not discourage me.

Apparently, this dog was continually having pups and although I am not sure of the number of her pregnancies, not being spayed and living on the street, it was obvious she must have had many.

So with a little ingenuity I managed to catch this poor baby with the help of the people who lived at the trailer. I immediately made an appointment with the vet to have her fixed, then had her de-flea’d, bathed several times, trimmed and got her vaccinated.

She is now with us but only temporarily as I have a very spoiled fat male cat that will not tolerate the new arrival.

I am so appreciative of all the hundreds of people who stepped up to help provide me with the necessary items to keep the little dog such as a large crate, dog food, a large bed and many toys and other goodies!

The best part too is now she has a name, Bella, which means “beautiful” in Spanish! She will never have to feel cold and pain and suffering again or go without shelter or food or struggle to care for another unwanted litter of pups.

I hope that whoever reads this story that it will touch your heart and maybe you or someone you know may consider adopting this sweet little dog.

I will keep her safe and happy here with me in the meantime until that special person who reads this would be the perfect match and will contact me. I guarantee she will provide to you a lifetime of companionship and love!

There are thousands of abandoned and homeless animals in Georgia, so I hope that if you are considering adding a new member to your family that you adopt one from your local shelter or refuge rather than purchasing one from a puppy mill, pet store, or online.

Bella says thank you! I may be reached at my email: [email protected].