I have known Jake Wilson for many years and started off watching him and my son Ian playing guitars, singing and writing songs together at our home and family get togethers. Jake and both my boys, Ian and Noah, co-wrote some of the songs. Jake’s passion for music grew stronger year after year, and his family shares this love as well. It was no surprise for me to see them form a band and take their talent on the road as Bettin’ on the Mule.
On a recent Friday night at Rocco’s, watching them perform was amazing. They drew a big crowd, and everyone was having a great time. They connected well with the audience and brought it all out on the stage. Here is your chance to get to know them better.

Who are the band members?
Jake Wilson – lead vocalist/rhythm guitar, Shannon Wilson – bass guitar/backup vocals, Rick Norris – drums/backup vocals, Brandon Wilson – lead guitar/backup vocals.
How did you get the band’s name?
The drummer (Rick) came up with it, explaining when you are at a horse race and everyone is betting on the front runner horse and no one is betting on the mule but the mule wins.
What did you do during the last year or so with the shutdown?
Writing and recording and played shows we could still play in even out of state, Facebook Lives, etc.

Tell me about your albums and the songs on them.
Two albums. “All In” was recorded in Westminster, S.C., and the second one is “Tag Applied For” recorded in Kennesaw at the Cock of the Wall owned by Jesse James Dupree of Jackyl.
What’s your favorite song on your album and why?
Jake: Every Day Every Night
Rick: I Think of You
Brandon: Every Day and Every Night
Shannon: Sound of Thunder
Tell me what you have coming up this year that you are looking forward to.
Festivals and cities for shows this summer and going to San Destin Golf Resort in Miramar Beach to play a show.

Who is your biggest musical inspiration?
Jake: Joe Elliot, Def Leppard
Rick: Elvis, my dad took me three times to see him in concert
Brandon: Keith Richards
Shannon: Eddie Van Halen
Where can we find your music?
Amazon, Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, and
Is there a place you have not performed that you would like to?
Jake: Grand Ole Opry and Madison Square Garden
Shannon: Apollo or the Ritz
Rick: Fox Theatre
Brandon: Lakewood and Verizon
What do you see in the distant future for your music, like where would you like to end up in five years?
Band collectively: Across the pond to Europe and doing some tours there, Amsterdam, getting music out to more people, playing bigger venues and our name out there everywhere.
What is your overall favorite song by another singer?
Jake: Def Leppard, Hysteria
Rick: Bad Company, Moving on
Shannon: Rolling Stones, Far Away Eyes
Brandon: The Who, Eminence Front

If you could change one thing today in any area of life, what would you choose?
Jake: Save money earlier
Rick: More extroverted when younger
Shannon: I would have started saving money earlier.
Brandon: Dating choices of the past
What are the top songs on your playlist right now?
Jake: Michael Jackson, Def Leppard, and Michael Bolton
Rick: Bad Lands – Dreams in the Dark, Mr. Big – Green-Tinted 60s Mind, Stones – Gimme Shelter
Shannon: April Wine, Prince, Rolling Stones, The Georgia Satellites
Brandon: Iron Maiden, Blackfoot, Meryl Haggard, Rolling Stones
Tell me about your hobbies outside of music.
Jake: drinking beer, fishing, hunting
Rick: family going to the casino
Shannon: family and friends and grandbabies
Brandon: kids working on cars

What are three things outside of people and faith you wouldn’t want to live without?
Jake: AC, music, beer
Shannon: AC, remote control, bass guitar
Rick: AC, music, cat
Brandon: transportation, tools, guitar
What would you like new musicians coming out to know that maybe you wish you had known when you were just starting out?
Band collectively: Don’t think you know it all or that it will happen overnight. Stay humble, be friendly to all people, and don’t be afraid to listen – you are not always right.

If you could have a songwriting session with anyone alive or dead, who would you choose and why?
Jake: Glenn Frey – Eagles, Chad Kroeger – Nickelback, and Michael Jackson
Shannon: Willie Nelson, Billie Joe Shaver, and Charlie Starr
Rick: Bernie Taupin
Brandon: Rolling Stones
Do you have a favorite place or ritual you prefer when you are writing?
Jake: Hanging out with Ian drinking beer
Shannon: When it is quiet and alone
Rick: When I am in nature, a nice view or at the beach
Brandon: no, just when inspiration hits
What if anything did you learn or take from the shutdown over the last year?
Band collectively: The solitude and not getting to play and listen to other bands brought to our attention to love and appreciate music and freedom of it and expression and life.
You will want to check these guys out! They have even had their own beer brand launched call The Mule Kicker. You can find it at Hixtown Brewery in Villa Rica. They have a lot of things to look forward to as they travel and grow in their music. I would suggest you catch a show because the music is amazing and the show they put on is even better.